(Photo taken in my back yard 3 winters ago... thankfully no snow this year!)
Re-posted from last year. It's December 1st - Time to think winter foods!
Wondering what is growing in the Vancouver area during the winter months?
Get Local BC has a lot of information to help people buy and eat local.
Right now there is an ABUNDANCE of locally grown produce available. Here is the list from Eat Local BC:
Vegetables: Beets, cabbage (green & red), carrots, garlic, kale, leeks, onions (red & yellow), parsnips, potatoes, rutabagas, shallots, squash (winter), turnips (white), zucchini
Fruit: Apples, kiwi
Meat & Dairy: Dairy Products, eggs, beef, buffalo, chicken, duck, goat, lamb, pheasant, port, rabbit, turkey
Seafood: Clams, cod (Pacific), crab, Dungeness crab, flounder/sole (Pacific), mussels, oysters (Pacific), prawns (jumbo), sablefish (black cod), scallops, shrimp (side stripe, west coast)
Herbs: Bay leaves, chervil, rosemary, sage, savory (winter), thyme
Etc: Honey, Mushrooms, Nuts
At first I thought I hated winter vegetables but now I'm finding I really enjoy roasted beets and parsnips. I use carrots, potatoes, squash, onions and shallots regularly. Winter produce isn't so bad after all!
Looking for a winter Farmers Market in your area? Check here.
As a grower of Pacific oysters within 100 miles of Vancouver, Okeover Organic Oysters takes great pride in our Okeover brand. Check out our website http://www.organicoysters.ca/ to find out where to buy them.